My grandmother and I spent a lot of time at evils house. She moved about 6 hours away and we went quite often. Suprisingly Evil was nice to me during those times. When we went down Angel(My grandma) usually spent lots of money, buying groceries, paying lots of evil and her husbands overdue bills. I think he let them stack up knowing my grandmther would come to save the day. When I was about 11 or 12, we were visiting and there was a 6 year age difference beteween my cousin and I. So I usually found older kids to play with. Each time it was different kids because they lived on base and people usually didnt stay long. My cousins little friend told me that my little cousin who was somewhere around 8 told her that her daddy and her" be doing it" Ill never forget because I wasnt too sure myself what "doing it" actually was. Except that it sounded like sex and daddies and daughters dont do that. So I went and found my cousin and questioned her about it and she told me she was just playing and had mae it up. I wish to this day I had told an Adult. I didnt , I thought I was keeping her from getting into trouble for lying. Later that same trip we were all in the livingroom sleeping in sleeping bags it was hot as hell. Her father attempted to unzip my sleeping bag. I pretended to be sleep and loudly turned over. He moved real quick. I did not tell anyone until we left what he did. My grandmother found out an questioned me. I told about the sleeping bag incident, she questioned him and he explained that it was hot and he was just trying to give me air. Well of course she believed him. A few months later evil came home and found him having sex with their daughter on the couch. Needless to say it came out that he had been having sex with his daughter since she could remember. Because he was military they handled it. Yeah they handled it allright. He spent small time in their jail and was not allowed to reenlist( 20+years). However he got out and promptly got a civilian job for the government. Go figure.
Evil was kind of stuck though, she had 4 kids with him. The youngest was in need of a liver transplant. She was not even one yet. It was a hard time for her. Even sending her other 3 to live with us for a while. The baby had her transplant a few days before her 2nd birthday. She was one of the first babys to have the procedure done it was the early 80's. She was so sick for a long time. If you thought that evil would have been done with her husband after this she was not. he lived with her and her children off and on for a few years after that. Matter of fact I believe deep downinside she blamed her on daughter for her marriage falling apart. Nothing she said, just how she acted with her oldest daughter , and continues to act with her, Nothing her oldest child did was ever right. Everyone noticed it and continues to notice. And how could she let the man who molested her daughter ever back in the house. Not to mention she couldnt get 2cents child support. This was a sick, sick realtionship. At least in my opinnion.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Growing Up

I was born to parents who were married but sepearted when I was 2. My dad was an budding alcoholic, and my mom was well just young and dumb. When they were breaking up my dad told my mom he was taking me and my older brother(which was not his son) to visit his parents and when she was on her feet he would send us back. Im not sure if that was ever my fathers intent. I do how ever know that never happened. As a matter of fact it would be about 12 years before I saw my mother face to face again. My father didnt have much hand in raising my brother and me. He brought us to my grandmother, grandfather and great Aunt . He lived there off and on but mostly off. Which was probably best for al concerned because when he drank he was mean. Not to me or my brother, just everyone else. My grandfather was an alcoholic but he was the sweetest person drunk or sober you ever did meet. He took care of his family. He just came home and sat in his chair, watching whatever sports were on drinking beers until he fell asleep. He also liked to fish so he came home drunk on those occasions, however he didnt bother anyone and would give you all he had until he didnt have anymore. I think that is why my Grandmother pretty much ran everything. My Grandmother was a janitor who worked nights at that time and her sister lived with them who was a teacher. That is why I knew how to read and play piano before I entered Kindergarten. We lived in a nice neighborhood. I had all of the things most kids would kill for. My own room, tv with cable, piano lessons, gymnastics, private school. I had almost anything I wanted. My dad had one sister. Evil she was. She married and moved just about the time I came. At that time I really didnt like her but she was my aunt. So what choice did I have. She and my dad were always at my grandmother and grandfather for money. My dad went through several jobs. When your an alcholic Work just aint up there on that priority list. Evil well her husband was as stingy as stingy could be or maybe Evil just spent too much. Probably was a combination of both. I do know many times grandma sent money for food, light bill, or whatever was ther current bill they couldnt pay. He was in the military and they moved around alot. Everytime she got pregnant, and this is no lie, she and he would have this big falling out and here she would come running h ome 7 or 8 months pregnant. Once or twice she drove way cross country. She would stay until the baby was born. Granndma, Auntie and Granpa ended buying all the stuff the kids needed. I mean from the diapers to the formula to clothes. Then a few days later here comes her retarded husband proud papa without a dime to help pay for anything. Evil when she came to visit would be well lets just say we didnt get along all the time. Sometimes she was nice to me and others well she went out of her way to be mean. Now mind you I was a little kids, She would come and sit on my bed in my room and tell me "this is not your room, its mine. " Of course I was a tattletale so run to grandma and tell her and she would immeditely tell Evil to leave me alone and getout of my room. That stopped her for the moment but she would get me later. Taunting me in some other way. When I was about 4 0r 5 my brother had to go back home and live with my mom. What I didnt know was that my mom wanted us both to come back home. My dad wouldnt hear of it. He threatned my mom and told her that he would kill her i she came back here to try to get me. She believed him because he had in the past beat her on many occasions. I would like to believe it was the alcohol. More to come soon.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Disclaimer, a little FYI
This is a place for me to be me. Which means in the process some things may be said that will offend folks. Too Damn bad!!! Keep reading or keep it moving. Life is too short. I have been going back and forth as to whether I was going to Blog here about my past. About my life growing up, loving, just plain living. I have decided that I will be me here. Which means having to talk about some things that I have not thought about nor wanted to think about in a long time.
Monday, March 17, 2008
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